Monday, January 28, 2008


Final day of staging, leaving tomorrow.

I arrived Sunday morning and luckily caught a shuttle with another volunteer. We went to the liberty bell.
Staging began; we learned about safety, security and adjusting.

The other trainees seem great so far. It seems like everyone has an intersting story. Although we seem to have a variety of backgrounds I think the group works well together. The real test is to see if we still like each other three months from now.

Today was more staging info and tomorrow we take off.

My roommate and I had great "last meal" at an Indian reasuarant. It is Restuarnt Week in Philadelphia I got a huge meal so I can long cherish the great food.

Unfortunately I have come down with a cold (didn't I have a cold five weeks ago?) and I am dreading traveling so many hours. This either means I have gotten my sickness and won't get sick for awhile or it means I will be sick every other week until 2010. I really hope it doesn't mean the 29 other volunteers have a cold in three days.
Finally going to Africa!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

all my bags are packed....

I am getting ready to leave for South Africa. Only a few days left in what seemed like an enternity of waiting. Sunday I am going to Philadelphia for staging. Tuesday night the group flies to Germany where we have a 12 hour layover. This would be the same Germany in which my dear friend Claire lives. If all goes right, we will see each other for my very first trip to Europe. Thursday will be the first day in Africa. Training lasts until April 3rd.
I left my job at the hospital at before Christmas and have been in Louisville for about five weeks. I was going a little stir-crazy at first but now I wonder where the time went.

Packing has been a little crazy. Two bags and eighty pounds. I have stuffed the bags to overflowing and I am at 60 pounds.

I have packed everything so perfectly that I can never unpack. This is very unfortunate for it appears I will be living in many temporary places until I officially become a volunteer in April.

I won’t have much access to a computer while in training. However, I can write and receive mail. My address is:
Peace Corps
P.O. Box 9536
Pretoria 0001
South Africa

I have been visiting everyone I know in the area for the last couple of weeks. Last weekend I went to see Amy and Andy and we went to the Aquarium. This is the octopus we saw.

new blog

blogging, this is a test picture which just happens to be a picture of me with a shark.
For more pictures visit: