Thursday, March 20, 2008

New address for now

Becky Ford
Postnet Suite 88
Private Bag X013
KwaZulu-Natal 3935
South Africa

After much anticipation, I have found out my permanent site and I am on site visit this week. The NGO is called Mpilonhle, which is a mobile health unit that serves four schools in the area, doing health screenings, counciling, health education and computer training. The organization works out of the town of Mtubatuba but I am living close to the town of St. Lucia. My home is about 7km from the beach and about two hours north of Durban. I am living in a house with a host mom.

Friday, March 7, 2008

There are only two kinds of people in Africa, those infected with HIV and those affected by it

I wish everyone could see the stars from Africa.

I am having a great weekend. friday evening, as Christi and I were walking home from class, we spotted one of our supervisor's filling water jugs from the outside tap. He does not have a host family, s he has to do all the work for himself. The water is only on one day a week, so we helped him fill the jugs and carry them inside. Then we all enjoyed some orange fanta and cookies while looking at pictures and discussing his life in South Africa. it gets dark at about 7pm, so we had to go home. My host faily was starting dinner so I played with baby Pabello. i taught her the Itsy Bitsy Spider song last week so now I have to sing it about 50 times a day. She is about 13 months old so i do pretty much anything to see her giant smile. I took a successful bucket bath which means that I was cleaner after the bath than before I started. For dinner, we had buttered bread, a hard boiled egg and chips (french fries), this is my favorite meal! We also had coca-cola which means i got two cold drinks during the day. We ate while watching Generations, the world's cheesiest soap opera and my favorite show by far. Later, the baby fell asleep while I was holding her, which is the gretest feeling in the world.

Today, a few of us are in town. We are going to get pizza and candy!

Training is going well but I can't wait to go to site. I feel like I will never understand Zule, but it is difficult to practice because I live with a Sepedi speaking family. I have a great family, but I am looking forward to having some independence. Right now they have to do everything for me, I only wash dishes sometimes.

I will have to wait til site to post pictures. For now though, check out Christi's blog, she is my neighbor and in the language group, so we see a lot of the same things.

I think it is important to end with the fact that my bedroom is covered with posters of 2 Pac.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Peace Corps has been going well so far. I moved in the my host family three weeks ago and they are great. We have a little baby in our family and a 12 year old, along with a mom and grandma. The house is really nice and I have my own bedroom.

The vllage I am in is beautiful with mountains and flat plains. There isn't much in the village and I am in town now using the internet to and to buy cheese!

I will post pictures when I can, just a quick update though.

Saw some animals a few weeks ago at a game park. food is good here, eating pap is fun, making it is difficult.